sexta-feira, 12 de julho de 2013


4th Latin American Distributed Microgeneration Seminar and Showcase

To debate and expose the role of clean energy microgeneration with renewable sources in Brazil and cooperation with Latin American countries, their prospects, challenges and progress, particularly in the role of an important agent in reducing extreme poverty and fostering new business markets. 
At the 4th Microgerar, the following themes will be discussed:
-                Advances and challenges of connectivity for energy microgeneration: laws, regulations, distributed generation connected and not connected to the power grid.
-                Energy trade model: retail market, rural energy cooperatives, social, legal and market impacts.
-                Economic development and creation of green jobs: impact on Brazilian industry, sustainable business opportunities.
-                Latin American initiatives of renewable energy use and socio-productive inclusion.

Target Audience

This is a matter that concerns not only energy companies, but people who operate in family agriculture, promotion of social economy and technological innovation, whether governments, businesses, organizations, universities. All segments of the Brazilian government with the potential to work directly on projects of rural and urban energy microgeneration, poverty reduction and social entrepreneurship will be invited, as well as researchers, students and international technical cooperation agencies and civil society organizations in Latin America that work directly with the theme. Microgeneration project funding entities will also be present.

RENOVE NETWORK is an entity composed of non-governmental organizations concerned with the dissemination of knowledge about renewable energy and its use for sustainable development. Established in 2000, it seeks to encourage the formulation of public policies that promote the use of renewable energy in the country and foster projects among its members that show different ways of using renewable energy to increase production on family agriculture, in order to promote access to energy as a form of mitigation in communities where the arrival of conventional networks is geographically and economically difficult, as well as the development of sustainable social technologies through economic solidarity and respect for local cultures.
In this context, Renove advocates decentralized microgeneration as the best alternative of energy inclusion, overcoming poverty and increasing the productive activity of thousands of Brazilians who still live in darkness, despite all government efforts, especially through the Luz para Todos (“Energy for All”) Program. And, after years of debate that culminated in the Normative Resolution 482/12 of the National Agency of Electric Energy, a new perspective opens in Brazil in the countryside and in the city, diversification of the energy matrix with hundreds of initiatives using sources renewable in the consumption site and more, with the possibility of selling the surplus of small-scale production. It is, undoubtedly, a great time in the Brazilian energy sector that can and should be known by the other countries of our continent, to share experiences, difficulties, and advance to a continental energy integration.
This is the proposal of the 4th Microgerar:  Renewable Energy Seminar and Showcase. Renove promotes this event since 2008 at the national level and, on the face of advances in regulatory standards and ongoing debates on legislation, we believe that it is time to broaden the audience and make the event open to all of Latin America. Hence the proposal of, in 2013, holding it in Foz do Iguaçu, a triple border city and house to the University of Latin America - UNILA the Itaipu Technological Park (PTI), and with this institutional support, the event is sure to bring a diverse public. As the edition held in Brasilia in May 2012, Microgerar registration will be free, so that a greater number of entities can participate, display their research and innovations, as well as monitor and contribute to debates.
Additionally, through a cooperation protocol signed between Renove and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, we intend to replicate microgeneration experiences that were successful in Brazil in countries where there is interest in energy cooperation and agriculture. An international event such as this one can show paths to such future cooperation. 

September 16th – 19th

Sep. 16th – Monday – room for 30 people

AFTERNOON - 2 p.m. – 6 p.m.

7 p.m.: MICROGERAR OPENING – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
Protocol – authorities, anthem, brief presentation of the promoters: Renove and PTI/Avina or Plese, message from other supporters and institutions

8 p.m.: OPENING TABLE (1h30)  Cesar Lattes Auditorium
“Microgeneration of Renewable Energies: New Frontiers of Sustainable Development”
Itaipu President Jorge  Miguel Samek
Renove President Fábio Rosa,
National Luz pra Todos Coordinator,  Aurélio Pavão de Farias,
Federal Deputy Pedro Uczai – Chamber of Deputies
Pedro Gamio- former IICA director, former Minister of Energy of Peru

Sep. 17th – Tuesday – Cesar Lattes Auditorium

9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Panel 1 – Distributed Generation Connected to the Network
(mediator) José Henrique Gabetta – RENOVE/ Consciência Limpa
Carlos Alberto Calixto Mattar – ANEEL Superintendent of Distribution Services Regulation
José Starosta – Brazilian Association for Energy Conservation Service
Manuel dos Anjos Marques Teixeira – CONFAZ
Nelson Leite, President of ABRADEE – Brazilian Association of Energy Distributors
Cícero Bley – Coordinator of Itaipu’s Renewable Energies Program

11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
Panel II – Non-Connected Distributed Generation
The New CELPA Experience
IICA/AEA Energy Environment Alliance

2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
Panel III – Sustainable Business Opportunities
Leônidas Andrade – ABINEE/ Dupont
Representative of the MDIC – Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade
Roberto Zilles – Professor at USP (solar roofs connected to the network)
ABEER – Brazilian Association of Renewable Energy Enterprises

4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
Panel IV – Rural Microgeneration
José Roberto – ECOENGENHO (mediator)
Miguel Fernández F. – Energética de Bolívia
Federico Gomensoro – CEFIR/Uruguay
Luis Fernando – Eletrosul/Eletrobrás High Uruguay Project
André Machado – Coordinator of the Biofuels Program – MDA
Sílvia Rojo –EcoAndina Foundation – Argentina

Sep. 18th – Wednesday – Cesar Lattes Auditorium

9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Panel V – Energy Exclusion Relief
Paulo Rocha - Avina
IDEAAS: Rural Energy, Pre-Energy and Energy Exclusion Mitigation.
Mamirauá  Institute – The “Bakana Solar” Project
Philips: The Light Centers Project
Vivian – Fundación Solar – Guatemala (PLESE)

11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
Contributions of Third Sector Institutions: Social, Anthropological and Technological Aspects (part 1)
PSA – Projeto Saúde e Alegria/ Amazonas
IDER – Instituto  Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Energias Renováveis/ Ceará
Instituto EcoEngenho/ Alagoas
Instituto Peabiru/Funatura
Roberto Roman – Chile Sustentable

2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
Contributions of Third Sector Institutions: Social, Anthropological and Technological Aspects (part 2)
Sociedade do Sol/ São Paulo
Prolenha/ São Paulo
CEUTA – Uruguay
Un litro de luz /  Colombia
IDEAL – Latin American Institute for the Development of Alternative Energies

4 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
Contributions of small businesses in Res fostering and innovation
Rodrigo Regis –Itaipu Technological Park
David Cerqueira – EDS/ Alagoas
Aurélio Souza – Usinazul
Eduardo Mallmann – Green Social Bioethanol

4 p.m. to 6 p.m. – Florestan Fernandes 1 Room
Presentation of Microgerar Academic works

Sep. 19th – Thursday – Cesar Lattes Auditorium

9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Panorama of Latin American Integration – Access to sustainable and renewable energies
Ambassador Fernando Souza – Director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency ABC
Jacobo  Regallado – Minister of Agriculture of Honduras
Hamilton Moss – Cooperación Andina de Fomento - CAF
Juan Cruz Monticelli – REEEP/OEA
Alexandre Mancuso – USAID Brazil

11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
Funding for renewable energies
Amazon Fund/BNDES
Caixa Econômica Federal
GDF/Suez Rassembleur d’Energies

2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Cesar Lattes Auditorium
PLESE Resolutions – session open to the public, presentation of discussions of the 16th, Microgerar referrals

4 p.m. – Closing

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